World annual wave power capacity

World annual energy consumption

Annual usage rate of wind and solar energy is 30-35%, and the average annual usage is 120-130 days.

The annual usage rate of wave energy is 80-90% and it can be used on average 300-320 days per year.


Enerji Carpet has production-cycle efficiency that will pay for itself in 7 years. It has the ability to convert the smallest wave effect into a cycle, regardless of the direction of the wave coming into the system.

Energy Carpet has an aesthetic system design. There is no system element that will create visual pollution on the sea surface.

Energy Carpet has sea and nature sensitive system elements. Pollutant effects are minimized with the use of composite and stainless materials.

Energy Carpet has the ability to work stably and regularly throughout the year. Withstands unexpected, high wave effects.

Energy Carpet designed for modular production.

  • Production of the system in modules at desired powers
  • The ability to adjust the installation power by assembling the produced modules with each other
  • All system elements can be manufactured in accordance with mass production
  • In system maintenance processes, maintenance can be done in modules without disabling the entire system and energy production is not disrupted.
  • Easier transportation of modular systems to application locations at sea and much easier assembly process to be completed

Energy Carpet system design provides the opportunity to be applied independently of the sea depth.

  • Due to its design feature, our system is close to the coast – places with a depth of up to 50 m.
  • Coast – points that should be in contact with the coast even if its depth is more than 50 meters
  • Ability to be positioned and operated independently of sea and ocean depths in open sea locations where energy density is much higher